Night Illusion

by Naima

The sun sets…
the night magic begins
and I have fallen prey again 
to the diamonds I see in your eyes.
Surrendering to the warmth of the moment,
I pretend that we are more –
that you are the answer to my daily prayers.
You are holding me now 
providing a barrier between us 
and everything wrong in the world.
I am safe; so many things now:
beautiful because you chose me,
a woman in the heat we are making together,
alive and my heart is beating so fast!

Alas, the act is finished.
You are gone again, leaving behind
only the scent of unrealized dreams in my sheets.
And I am nothing more than the fool 
I knew I would be when
the sun came up.

Night Illusion by Naima

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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