My Brotha

by Mystery

   Look at you
     Back arched
      Legs crossed
 Sippin on ya BLACK coffee
 Would you like some milk or creme?
                 My brotha don't front
               You say black is beauty
                "Oh ain't it the truth"
You say black women should be treated as queens
            So why aren't we?
                 Or should I say
          Why don't you treat us as such?
            You preach black this black that
                  You are what you are
                     My brotha
         Tell me how can a brotha
   That claims his women are Nubian queens
  Be the same brotha caught in bed with a blonde
And you said you would never cross to the other side

   "Seems as though you already did"
       You say she's black
Since when did a sista have blonde hair, and blue eyes?

 No I get it she's just light damn near white
    Are you embarrassed by her?
  Ashamed of her
    Don't be
  Just make sure you don't forget ya roots

                "My Brotha"

Author's note:

Don't be offended this is all my opinion.  There is
nothing that I am saying wrong. No I am not racist,
and I have no problem with interracial dating.  But
I do have a problem with black men putting down black
women.  I also have a problem with black men being
ashamed of who they're with.

My Brotha by Mystery

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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