Black Keys

by Muse

im the lion in MONK
im the fragrance in FUNK
im the offspring of rhythm
yeeaah... da da da
doo plink!
i'm the "pada da pada da
rrraaap! bee doo bee doo" the
prelude to doowop
the black note in hip hop
the secret weapon of jazz
i'm slippin through fingers spaces & clenchin yr
inspire bands to take majors to the minors
when music gets plain I make em sharper 
stealin mental puffs like harper i'm
"the barber" or "el maestro"
I'm the Marx' hand & Stalin's shadow
i'm the Duke Ellington, Gillespie & Davis' saving grace
i let fingers tap me til my juices flow in space
get in yr face til u

mmmmm... grimace

at the way i keep the pace

black keys

im the key that all white keys fear
when i get pounced all whiteys disappear
im the resonance that gives character to music

i'm givin u my black keys to play with


will u use it? groove to it? bop on it?



black keys

"get with it..."

Black Keys by Muse

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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