No, Knowledge Ain't Power

by Anthony J. Mungin

Dear Mama
Why made you me?
As smart  as I can be
Dumb to the bad intentions
Of this here old world
I think I would rather be
The boy, on the corner
Pants on his ass
A joint in his mouth
Fixin' to loot
I'd rather be him
For he has no facts to dispute
The ho', on the corna
Her stench blowing in the breeze
Awaiting her next trick
From a well-to-do sleaze
Needing attention for his prick
I'd rather be her 
For she has no clue
Of what this world's trying to do
The man, in the corridor
Cleaning toilets
And scrubbing floors 
Just to make ends meet
Thinking these are the best of times
To him, this world's latest treat
I'd rather be him
For he has no clue
Of what this world's trying to do
That this world means them no good
They are means to an end
Not the beings cared for
As this world tries to pretend
We are all pawns
With no will to defend
No matter how otherwise
This world tries to defend
But unlike them
I am acutely able to see
This world's true intentions for them and me
Able to see
How we are relegated
To cat-e-gories
Second class citizens
That rain down dollars 
For the powers that be

No, Knowledge Ain't Power by Anthony J. Mungin

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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