
by Bruce Muench

They are God's People They are living on the land God gave to them A young boy herding longhorn cattle Throws a spear at our tour bus, A gesture as much in humor as defiance Mother Nature is his school teacher The men and women stand tall and straight Their skin is dusky black Some have white scars in contrast All have inborn rhythm Graceful as the nearby cheetah They love to dance and sing, especially the men A man can jump up straight from the earth Almost as high as my head, They speak softly and evenly to me And look me straight in the eye They come in when they wish And leave when they wish, They are obligated to no one Except each other Because they are God's People and have always known it. I think they will be drinking the blood And the milk of their slender cattle As long as there is a sun And an Africa Red is their favorite color.

Masai by Bruce Muench

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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