Unspoken Affection

by Ms. Smooth

I think…
I dream…
I imagine you’re here with me
I feel you deep in my contemplation
I smile…
I laugh…
I wish you were here
I want you in my space
I want to see you every day…
In every possible way
I sit…
I stare…
I notice…
Your cheek bones when you smile
The curve of each lip
The tone of each note your vocal chords play
I blink…
I breathe…slowly…
One more time…
I lick my lips and linger on the bottom
Bites slightly and holds
This is what you do to me
I stand…
I walk…
With you in mind
I speak…
I say…
Words you can not hear
Words meant for your ear
You’re not here
I sigh…
I look…
I listen…
To the noise of silence
To the beat of my heart
To the thinking of each thought
I search…
I seek…
I wonder…
Have you smiled today?
Can I be the one to make your day?
I need…
I feel…
Feelings of contentment just by knowing you
I sing…
Lyrical illusions connecting each melody to you
I rest…
I relax…
Final thought is of you
I close my eyes…
I sleep…
Hoping my next dream is of you…
One I’ll lock and forever keep

Unspoken Affection by Ms. Smooth

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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