What We Vote For

by Mskeneshie

fortune and fame 
found in this white collar world
makes my head turn 
like little girls chasing bubbles
and pearls

pimps taking in oval 
office dreams
the real players are never in the 

gangsters calling it Senate and House
ask us for cheese
and they steal it
and turn it into blood money 
for the Iraquan/Middle East/Chinese Arms War

dirty money passes
through the Federal Reserve
only to be unnerved
by our popular cause: government cheese 

drugs, pimps and blood
not marijuana
not Ice T
not that kind positive B

but the gangsters in the House and Senate
just let that kind be

they don't dance
and they don't boogie
but they get the girls and the cheddar

in hopes of an American better
these white collar, white house pimps

what we vote for

What We Vote For by Mskeneshie

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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