New Beginnings

by Mskeneshie

time flies when new beginnings arise
and out of that demise
my eyes
watch sunsets and moon falls
over Lake Michigan
play with lovers on the rise
i don't try to disguise
the being of who i really am
that chick from Louisiana
who makes it her business
to recognize man
that sister with the one woman
army who takes a stand
the single mother
like no other
who'll take your brother
and send back for the other
no need to gasp at the words you read
you see
because i relieve
at different categorical speeds
that sprout and grow and bring me to rest
my head in the Windy City
preparing to wear my vest
upon my chest
within your set
i claims enough respect
in these new beginnings

New Beginnings by Mskeneshie

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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