
by Ms Keneshie

in order to not be lost
i give up my life to Him
and at all costs
i ought
not have to succumb to
the things of this world

in order to not be lost
i try hard to give up wanting to be boss
and the misses all at the same time
we women
sometimes miss the simpleness
of just being able to dine
and impress our minds

in order to not be lost
i choose love
i choose life
i choose Christ
because in Him i abide

yeah...i know
things happen to make you forget
and as i write this 
i want to impress
that in order to not be lost

God must be your boss
and the devil must be at a loss
because it is so

yeah...i know
we all must go
but be it today or tomorrow
don't borrow
the temperaments of this world
whether boy or girl
in order to not be 
just lose

to God

Lost by Ms Keneshie

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