I Hate Love

by Ms Keneshie

I’m alone in this zone
in this hurtful moan
of  my trials 
in this hurtful moan
of my tribulations
no elation of this
belated birth
damn the worth
I can’t even begin to see
how anything matters
the latter holds a destitute
memory of lost love
the former holds a cry
in the dark
for the lost child
of lost love

I am alone in this zone
I see no others in my hurt
I see bullshit in my comfort
and it reeks of fine tunes
held off in the distant
played on 8 track
the name of the tune
it’s called love in my blues
Ella scats
Sarah hums
Billie bellows
Miles blows beyond belief
Duke touches the right key
all this 
my life
all this 
my strife
all this 
can’t be right

yet life leaves me
with this open carcass
of my heart
to refill with love
to refill with life
to refill with meaning
and so I say 
hit me with your best
and my Lord and Shepherd
will do the rest
because right now
I hate love 

I Hate Love by Ms Keneshie

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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