i am just woman
seeking to be sought
not looking to be bought
or brought
to some maniacal
point of view
not looking for a few
but just You
still loving to do the things
a just woman wants to do
to prove
and improve
i am just woman
with my flourishes
and with my tresses
in and without my dresses
and my beauty shop blessings
on which man impresses
i am just woman
and there are things i do desire
and there are movements that i inspire
songs that are written
but my souls not for hire
for only God can take me there
not some human who believes he cares
i am just woman
and i give homage to those who came before
to the Sojourner Truth's
who could stand the lies no more
to the Madam CJ Walker's
who knew the avenues to the other doors
to the grandmother's of granddaughters
who told them to run to the corner store
i am just woman
there is nothing about me
that is for trickery or for fame
i am not living for the lame
or the jealous and insane
just for God and one of His creatures
He formed for the same
breathing life into us each for the gain
with no shame
man takes this woman
at face value
and not as some game
i am just woman
but do you know what that means?
and not what it seems
do you know what that is?
and not what it deems
do you know what lies beneath?
without trying to first see me in the sheets
no matter how i come through that door
be the first to say "woman no more;
i won't treat you as or like my whore"
i am just woman
and she
is who i am
for woman
to man
to God
is free
a just woman
you see
i am
just woman
and in her skin
my indentity will be
just woman