Now the answers to my questions have been answered
Why did it take so long?
Jumping through hoops
Just to sing your song
You knew I was the one
Even called my child your son
Yes you were there throughout life’s fire
You treated me like your boy, never quenching my feminine desires
So I stayed strong and followed my own game
The news of my love affairs caused you pain
For years my attention you gained
But the amusement ride of your life caused me pain
So now you want to be real and true
Cause in a few months you and I would have been through
You said that problems that we had we my fault and I didn’t see the signs
All I had to do was play the role you had for me and you would have been mine
You see you were the one who was lost and didn’t know what you had
That’s seven years you wasted, for you too bad
I was the one that was destined to be yours,
your queen on a pedestal for you to adore
A New Year is about to come so you no longer want to play the nun
This is your last chance to capture my heart
The one object you possessed from the start
Be gentle with it don’t break or hurt it
Cause if you do you’ll feel like shit
I’ll sit back and be patient and wait, the line is thrown the hook has bait
Grab it catch it hold tight for dear life
Cause this is the very last time I’ll fill out the application to be your wife.