
by Mr. Poetry

Have you ever sought to think 
About that which is not?
The things you think about
The person you want to see
That heart felt special somebody;
To peer into a hole gaping
And empty yet full and whole,
Is to be consumed by the things I have just told;
To remain in a time of unknowing
Eyes open yet closed,
Closed minded people control the things of 
Most importance,
People of most importance control 
The closed minded;
Blinded by clear sight,
Those who live in darkness obtain the purest vision,
The darkest clear vision is blinded by the purest sight;
So we shall walk away and remain in the same spot for life.  

Reality by Mr. Poetry

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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