Damn YOU

by MizTanna

Damn You…
How can I look you in the eye?
How can I…when every time I do…I cry,

Damn you…
How can I stand your touch?
How can I…when I don’t understand why I want you so much,
How can I stand to feel your lips on mine…as you tell me to hush?
How can I…when I tremble with every brush,

Damn you…
How can I lay beneath you and receive you?
How can I…when just 20 minutes you hit me for questioning you?

Damn you…
How can I call myself in love?
How can I…when your definition is to push and shove,

Damn you…
How can I stay and be treated like dirt?
How can I…when all I feel is hurt,

Damn you…
How can I be so stupid as to think you can change?
How can I…when I no longer feel pleasure…only pain,

Damn you…
How can you promise it will never happen again?
How can you…when lying is a sin?

Damn ME…
For not having the courage or willpower to leave…

Damn ME…
For not recognizing what you really were,

Damn ME…
For allowing myself to hope and dream,

Damn ME…
For staying in this situation…

Damn ME…
For never taking the time to really listen,
Damn ME…
For being a naïve fool and allowing myself to be used,

Damn ME…
For ever believing it ME…not YOU…

Damn ME…
For every tear I shed,
For every cry I uttered,
For every scream of rage and pain I kept frozen inside.

Damn ME…
For staying and “loving” you, while inside I slowly died…

Damn ME for never believing in myself and
Damn YOU for throwing our love away…

Damn YOU by MizTanna

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