Unspoken Love...

by Brown Eyes

Part of intimate conception involves two people
A sensation of two beings gravitating to each other
For only a moment…
The passion allows the body to send messages……
messages of the mind, body, and soul through unspoken words. 

Spoken words are categorized by the heart. 
If the heart feels hurt, the words you speak will resemble hurtfulness.
Does the heart feel loved?
Speak words to see the reaction of the body and soul.
Pay attention to the destination of my mind and follow me

The mind creates changes that reproduce the intentions of life
It has captivated a time in the past that drives your destiny
An revisiting the past navigates the mind to discovery an outlet of pain
Does your heart control the mind?

Open your closed heart.
Free yourself from the past that holds your mind, body, and soul captive
Release your messages through unspoken words 
Come close to me and exchange messages through passion and
Release your unspoken love……..

Unspoken Love... by Brown Eyes

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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