True Lies

by mic Asaad

Racism is the antithesis of beauty - the abyss of humanness.
Ignorance fills the small hole where light's last chance stands.
Utter disregard for God surfaces atop thoughts of disdain for
Inferences of inferiority sit superior on imperialistic thrones.
These are true lies.

Racist foreign policies and homeland securities govern free bodies that
  house chained minds.
Chief chances the lives of mature newborns and commands chaos simply for
  the sake of crude.
Profiles of people who submit, seek justice and forgiveness for sins sift
  heavier than pedophiles.
Subliminal political press conference jargon swings jabs at so-called
  minorities, the downtrodden.
These are true lies.

Racial slurs redline the intellect of those elected to represent,
  descendents of our cause for reparations.
Vain vocabularies veer southbound to the root where Lynch's plan was
  planted and rewards now rest.
Re-written religiousity rapes the minds, bodies and souls of saints that
  taste the tainted testament of the Trinity.
Pictures painted purposely to pollute world anthropology unapologetically
  litter our libraries left alone as the law.
These are true lies.

Race cards get played day-in and by-day to maintain this capitalist
Illiteracy of literature and life leave the lost looking to illicit sex,
  forms of disrespect to gain a glimpse of good.
Reverends are revered riding around in whips while AIDS victims and abusers
  sit sadly outside sanctuaries.
And millionaires made men by society's standards stack funds, forgetting
  forgotten boys and girls growing up...
Living true lies.

True Lies by mic Asaad

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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