Understanding Angela

by Mentele

I am now beginning to understand the extent of the pain
that encompases the eyes of Angela Davis
So much lay unresolved to most where by her the truth has been uncovered 
Being a product of the system can only unleash the dissappointment of betrayal
The realization occurred to me as I gazed deeply into her underlayed vision
and felt the soul burning sorrow that rests alone
This sorrow does not come from physical pain,
but rather from the mental instabilities of the world
The same world that attempts to convince us that we are living freely and equally
The same world that attempts to persuade us to continue our roles of consumers and not producers
The same world that continues to enslave us in present day times
The same world that teaches our black people to be content with "how far we've progressed"
This world, and especially this nation is overflowing with lies and deceit
The nation overflows with ideaologies of an unrealistic democracy
The nation overflows with capitalistic views rather than unification 
When it's time to fight we are ready to fight for our country,
but when the battle is won who fights for us?
There are so many hidden agendas and enemies within
And to the eyes of Angela I owe this pleasure of undiscovered knowledge

Understanding Angela by Mentele

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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