My Friend

by Van McKellar

Through the long years, 
I have wandered without end,
But, God has saved me many tears 
By giving me a Friend.

This Friend, so the wise men say, 
"Sticketh closer than a brother,"
He gives without expecting pay, 	
And loves as deep as a mother.

My Friend is more than just someone 
To share a heavy load,
He rejoices with me in the noonday  sun 
As I travel life's winding road.

When the road turns, I have grown to learn, 
On this ... I can trust and rely: 
I can always depend on my Faithful Friend 
To give help without demanding, why.

What more could one ask, as he faces a task
Too bewildering to comprehend, 
Than someone to care enough to share 
The burden of a mutual friend.

No matter if I roam so far from home 
That its memories have withered away, 
I know in the end, I will dwell with my Friend 
At the close of life's long Day.

My Friend by Van McKellar

© Copyright 1979. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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