The Lawful Murder of Innocence

by Brenda J McIntosh

I walked to the store but never returned to those who loved me
I was murdered because I was WWB [walking while black]  
You see, in the United States of America where I live
I am considered prey 
Anyone who thinks me suspicious can follow me 
They have to make sure “I’m not up to no good”
They carry a gun and when told to stand down
They continue to stalk me 
Don’t I have the right to stand my ground?
After all I was just walking around
They didn’t try my attacker for murdering me
Instead they put me on trial to further degenerate me

The Lawful Murder of Innocence by Brenda J McIntosh

© Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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