Michael Marsh

Michael Marsh is an editorial assistant for the Chicago Reader, a weekly alternative newspaper. He also contributes articles to the publication. Previously, he covered high school sports for the Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Tribune, and Lerner Newspapers. He also served as assistant development director for his alma mater, Hales Franciscan High School, and mentored high school students during workshops organized by the Chicago Association of Black Journalists. In 1999, his article about a chess program was honored by the Chess Journalists Association. He recently completed an essay about the late black sportswriter A.S. “Doc” Young that will be published in the Dictionary of Literary Biography. He received a bachelor of arts degree from Chicago State University in 1996.

You can contact Mr. Marsh via e-mail at mmarsh@chicagoreader.com or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.

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