The Rhythm Of Time

by Karla MarKay

I can hear the rhythm of time
Ever marching
Each solid step 
Leaving its footprint
Ever so deep
In the sands 
Of remembrance
Steady in rhythm
As soldiers to battle
Dogged, determined
And halting for no one.

I can hear the rhythm of time 
Ever playing
Like a never-fading drum
In the distance
Pleading life's song
Of salutation
Keeping the pace 
With each memory made
Painting the backdrop 
For each celebration.

I can hear the rhythm of time
Ever beating
Like a healthy, happy
Heart at its work
Putting its stamp
On each right of passage
Each solid beat 
A wake-up call
Every breath
Is a gift to be treasured.

Each tap of time's rhythm
Begs observation:
The pace seems to quicken 
The longer you listen……

The Rhythm of Time by Karla MarKay

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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