These Are My Elements

by Donna E. Mallett elements

In Him, whom I Live, Breathe and Have My Being...
These are my elements...

To  Him, Who IS Faithful, That Promised...
 my elements...For the Privilege of Loving HIM...
My elements!

For my first marriage that ended in divorce...
but through it all, I realized who IS my Source...
My Elements

For the relationship I wished I had with my Dad...
I So Appreciate the love from my Mom,  I do have..
These Are My Elements...

For the hurt and pain I felt when I lost my son..
but to also know life for me, it must go on...
These Are My Elements...

For my husband, my good thang!
treasures opened unto me, sealed upon my heart,
right from the start!
My Elements!
My children...who represent peace and stability
My Children...My Inspiration, My Rest,  My
My Joy! My Truth!
often-times my strength...
These Are My Elements...

A'Leilia, my four-year old Wonder!
my Need
my Gratitude
for her to exclaim..."I Love You Infinity"
That's My Serenity! My Sanity!
My Tenacity!
These...are my elements...

For my sisters and brothers
who are like non other
So many laughs....yall I'm so Glad!...
Thank you for the Shoulders!
Yall Are My Elements!

My poetry, My Scribe...
How I Strive...How I've Survived!
It's My Life!  
My Pen...My Paper
I Savor...
My Gift...
God Blessed!
Complete and Perfect!
Gift From Above...
and It's All Good!
These...are my elements...

My past, my present, my future...
 my elements...

Mercy and Grace...
I Embrace...
my fears, my tears
it's clear....These are my elements...
My strength,
My Contentment!
My Spirit!
...all are my elements..

My Accord, My Mentors
because of them.....I Soar!
I So Adore...
These....are my elements

My defeats, My Beliefs...
I So Plainly See...
for me...
These are my elements...

These make up my Songs!
Rights, all my wrongs
eternally written...In the heavens
un-erasable record
engraved in my Soul
The story hasn't been fully told
Much more, yet to unfold
at that time, I will write bodly from my soul...
Time well Spent...
All Things, I didn't necessarily comprehend..
but I had so much growth from within!
and in the End....
What a God-send
I appreciate all these things...

These Are My Elements by Donna E. Mallett

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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