Love's Rule

by E. Lydia Day

Sometimes love can
Be so cruel
And on occasion
No matter who you are
Or position you hold
No matter how much money
You have
Or experience you can prove
It you have truly been in love
You have played the fool

That thing called love
Will in fact
Send you back to school
Even remind you of those times
When you longed to break the rules
Just to be with her
And stroll the streets
Or take a midnight cruise

Then you feel a change,
Inside, with that one time
Vacant space
When you know that she
Will not easily be replaced

Love steps right in
To plead your case
Bringing words to your mouth
That you cannot erase

And when the right time
Comes to view
Out loud and before the world
You say
- I Need You

And then the whirlwind
As it takes its path
Right between the two
Cause just like that
She turned away from you

Then a smile slowly creeps
Across your face
As you give in and acknowledge
How love
Lost that race
Then just slapped you
In the face

Love's Rule by E. Lydia Day

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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