Epiphany - Well Done

by Luv Jonez

I can't take credit for my life this far
     The Lord has truly blessed me

Is it because of my goodness?
     this I doubt
It was His grace & mercy
     that brought me out

Everyday people I meet in the street
seem to notice what I hardly ever see
      There is a definite light
      permeating from me

I hope to present a peaceful calm whenever I come around
My spirit can't hold back what the Lord has done

I try as I may to do what I think is right
Although temptations sometimes come
     I lose my sight

It is in those times I must be still
                               listen &
To what my savior has to say

Isn't He the one to feed me when I am hungry
comforts me when I am lonely?
I can't explain the feeling inside
Just knowing that it is He who is keeping me alive

I want to be a blessing to everyone
     being the person God intended
When my life's journey
     has ended

Until my last season has come & gone
I hope to hear those two special words
  "Well Done"

Epiphany - Well Done by Luv Jonez

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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