Epiphany - More Time

by Luv Jonez

I needed more time to tell you, how much you meant to me 
I wanted you to be certain, that for you, I'd do anything

Guilt and sorrow arise like flames, slowly burning a hole within my soul
Wishing I had a bit more time, to express my unconditional love

Throughout the years your spiritual strength, kept on inspiring me
With your life you showcased, what a sister ought to be

I pray that you always knew, I admired the courage and the fight in you
I can't begin to explain, what a difference in my life you did make;
and I hope to possess and ounce of the faith that you displayed

As I press on, wondering and thinking back to precious memories of you
My heart will ache because I waited, to spend more time with you

Epiphany - More Time by Luv Jonez

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