Just Being

by Luv Jonez

If I could trade places 
with anyone in the world,
I wouldn稚 at all

I am a work of art
in progress,
an unfinished masterpiece

when I知 complete some will not like me,
while others will even criticize the artistry, 
and still many
will not understand 
that it痴 difficult to please every person...

At all times
I知 building character
as I go along
trying to keep my mind focused
on the here and now
living life the best I possibly know how
taking satisfaction
just being content within myself

Whether in public or alone
it makes no difference
where I go 
doesn稚 matter who I知 with
I知 still able to represent
where I came from, where I am
where I知 going with my plans 
totally accepting who I am 
being me

And if WHOSE I am 
is too much for you to stand,
please step aside,
because I知 on a mission
to fulfill my destiny
by any means necessary,
while all the time
Just being me

Just Being by Luv Jonez

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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