I Am

by Locs Of Fire

I am.
I am the beginning of time as ageless as wine.
I am.
I am rhythm and blues and always in the news.
I am.
I am beige and brown and all around.
I am.
I am you and me throughout history.
I am.
I am inner city and what some folks pity.
I am.
I am middle class or poor as hell and most of my men live in jail.
I am.
I am Baptist and Holiness with big hats and a fancy dress.
I am.
I am collard greens and cornbread with all parts of pig, that’s my choice of cuisine ya’ dig.
I am.
I am all these things and more in your sight, but I ain’t never gonna be lily white. 

I Am by Locs Of Fire

© Copyright 1997. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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