A Letter To My Father

by LL007

Happy Father's Day Dad!
Wherever you may be
I refuse to allow another year pass
Without expressing what you mean to me
Strong, dependable and wise
Loyal and faithful too
Who does this wonderful man describe?
Hell if I know, but it ain't you.
You are a stranger to me
I don't know who you are
The only memories I have of you
Are locked with you behind bars

For years I wondered why
And still I have no clue
What on earth you could have done
Why I never got to know you
The legacy you leave
Is really one of shame
Fortunate for me
I don't bear your name
The woman who gave birth to me, 
The one you took as your wife
Helped play a supporting role with you
In fucking up my life
Holding a beer can in one hand
While in the other a cigarette to smoke
It's clear to me where I learned
Such destructive ways to cope
You robbed me of the chance
Of ever knowing and loving me
And all the precious things in life
Those things we get for free
Instead I keep inside
Years of loneliness and pain
Internal tears that flow
Harder than April rains
One daughter and two sons
You should be proud that we
Are just as lost and dysfunctional
As anyone could be
None of us are married
We cannot sustain relationships
Yet all we want is love
I tell you that's some shit
Two brothers that I can't reach
The oldest with a distorted view of life
Self induced by addiction and abuse
The youngest is full of rage,
A cannon that is loose.
Me, I have no trust, no hope
just strife
Every day I wake to remember 
just why I hate my life
Because you failed 
and didn't do what you should have known was right
An Angel named Jane 
gave two of us a chance at life
She gave of us love and all the support
That one person alone could do
But even with all that 
Still something was missing
 Which leads me back to you …
So, I thank you Dad for all you have done
And I hope this message sticks
The role of being a father involves
more than shooting sperm from a dick
Happy Father's Day

A Letter To My Father by LL007

© Copyright 2008. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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