My Love For You

by Lil' Wun

You did do me wrong you know cuz
You did love me at one time
I thought we was forever
We did last for a while
I knew about only loving you
So how can you say
just love something new
We spent too many days together
to just throw us away
I was embraced in love that I thought
I only found in you
You had my heart, but played me
cuz you thought I couldn't see
It was like Tom and Jerry
You was the mouse, and I just couldn't win
You know I tried, to keep from falling
It's like you grab ahold, and let me go
So I guess this is how it's gonna be
My heart is here to stay
I just wished you felt the same
And maybe we'll be together one day

My Love For You by Lil' Wun

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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