I Like Words

by Brenda L Lewis

I like words that smell good like daylilies, and zing like jasmine or mouth like chrysanthemum, or sound like friction rubs or kool like, descriptive sounding words like a drenching sweat, and words that sound like the way coalescing water droplets collectively ripple, rumble, roar and then forcefully fall flowing, and earthy words like smelly, and wet and dew, and a scented savory hickory hew and easy words and sweet furry words like hairy mold, and soggy bread, or the words just waiting to be shipped and shaped, and sculpted like pouring warm viscous chocolate cream over toffee ice cream, a word dream, and words that smells like aromatic coffee fumes screams, and words that swing, and words that sing, and kind of ring, and the words that praise dance and prance across the printed page, painting moods with their rhetorical phrases, and word monologues, and hearing words, and seeing words, and thinking words, and seasoned words, and the laughing words, and the healing words, and forgiving words, and those peace keeping anointed words, and most especially, "The Living Word!" Oh, I do like words.

I Like Words by Brenda L Lewis

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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