Grandma Please Can I Come Over!

by Brenda Louise Lewis

If there's anything special in this life,
it's when the grandchildren call.
"I love you grandma, " is what they say.
Can I please.....come see you today!

So touched am I,
it's so sincere,
can't help but lend and ear
to the little voices softly near,
bright, cheerful, oh so dear.

Grandma please......
let me come over
I want to play
at your house today.
Grandma please......
Grandma please......
Can I please......
be with you today.

You'll read,
I'll listen,
you'll cook,
I'll eat,
we'll hug,
I'll sing
we'll play 
til we are beat.

Grandma please......
Can I come over.
I'll be so very glad,
if you'll please......
let me come over
I want to come, today.

If there's anything special in this life,
it's when the grandchildren come to call.
"I love you grandma", if what they say
big hugs, mellow smiles, and all. 

Grandma Please Can I Come Over! by Brenda Louise Lewis

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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