I'm seeking no more.
I've decided to create myself as the love I was looking for.
I'm celebrating this day as a new life,
a new way of growing and embracing the love that I Am.
I have no regrets.
I only have tears of fearless dancing in the streets,
not looking back, not looking forward, but looking within.
Thank you for joining me today.
I have no meaning without you.
I have no way to experience this love without you.
I used to seek smiles in stardust,
seek hugs from the moon,
seek laughter from the comets.
But, your presence has reminded me that I'm not alone.
Your presence has co-created with me
the remembrance of unconditional love
shared eternally with all,
consciously or unconsciously,
the same way you share your light with all,
with no regards to our past, present, or future.
I thank you, Sun of God.