Stuck on Replay

by Deborah LeFalle

bullet flies, a son dies
a mother wails, a heart of nails
disbelief, a family's grief
we all vow this must stop now
the violence that makes no sense
young life cut short as if for sport
news at nine, a make-shift shrine
supposed brother has shot another
bullet flies, a son dies
a mother wails, a heart of nails
disbelief, a family's grief
we all vow this must stop now
the violence that makes no sense
young life cut short as if for sport
news at nine, a make-shift shrine
supposed brother has shot another
bullet flies, a son dies
a mother wails, a heart of nails
disbelief, a family's grief
we all vow this must stop now
the violence that makes no sense
young life cut short as if for sport
news at nine, a make-shift shrine
supposed brother has shot another
bullet flies...

Stuck on Replay by Deborah LeFalle

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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