bullet flies, a son dies
a mother wails, a heart of nails
disbelief, a family's grief
we all vow this must stop now
the violence that makes no sense
young life cut short as if for sport
news at nine, a make-shift shrine
supposed brother has shot another
bullet flies, a son dies
a mother wails, a heart of nails
disbelief, a family's grief
we all vow this must stop now
the violence that makes no sense
young life cut short as if for sport
news at nine, a make-shift shrine
supposed brother has shot another
bullet flies, a son dies
a mother wails, a heart of nails
disbelief, a family's grief
we all vow this must stop now
the violence that makes no sense
young life cut short as if for sport
news at nine, a make-shift shrine
supposed brother has shot another
bullet flies...