Nancy | Laws |
Nancy Laws is 25 years old and a freelance writer. Her first book was published a year and half out of high school and written her senior year. She was born in the Ivory Coast, on the west coast of Africa. She traveled the world with her missionary parents, beginning with Nairobi, Kenya at the age of five. They then moved to Texas for her father's PhD studies. From there she lived in Chicago, DC, and recently Ohio with her husband and beautiful children. She says, "I love writing, and have recently fallen in love with discovering and writing about my roots, from those that surround me through my African family and those of this African American culture I have adopted. I have a passion for our young women, and hope to use my gift to inspire the next generation of strong, God fearing black women."
You can contact Ms. Laws via e-mail at or by sending an e-mail to TimBookTu and it will be forwarded.