
by Latorial Faison

If she loved you like
this . . . 
then it couldn't have been easy
telling her "no."

I'll bet she didn't know you had
this . . . at home
just waiting, blessed and confessed
created just for you.

Just us two
we take a day trip and spend the night
often fueding, but that's pefectly alright
because this . . . is your stuff.

It was blessed for us
to be used . . . not abused
I guess the Lord knew
you'd need it.

I believe it . . . there's one true meaning
of that hot summer's day
it's one love, one heart
undivided . . . by this.

This! by Latorial Faison

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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