What the Bluest Eye Can't See: for Pecola Breedlove

by Latorial Faison

I wish I could breathe into your spirit
a love that's black
a love that's purely and truly sweet for you

I wish you love
self love
good love

Your brown skin is beautiful
Your eyes don't have to be blue
just true

yours has opened eyes
and revealed shades and shades of blackness

We've got to be who we are, and we are black

Straight hair and blue eyes are characteristics
but never will they become the character
which makes us who we're destined to be.

Not even the whitest white can make us pure
Not even the bluest eye can make us see it

Pecola Breedlove . . . that's how God made us.

And this is what you leave us
 . . . on being black.

What the Bluest Eye Can't See: for Pecola Breedlove by Latorial Faison

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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