Soul Flower (To All Black Women, From All Black Men)

by Bro. Larry X.

your seed was planted deep inside of me
when life began on earth
but as time progressed, I strayed
failing to recognize your worth
so now I stand in desolation
searching to fill a void, which is you
which I destroyed because I was untrue
not only to you, but also to myself
for I betrayed my own essence
which is contained in your presence
and without you, I am only half a man
the pain of your absence 
has caused me to understand
that I owe you more than the world
I owe you me
for I was, and still am, to some degree
a lost soul
thinking I could improve vitality 
in blonde and blue
when in reality, the standard of beauty is you
mind, body and soul
my soul flower

Soul Flower (To All Black Women, From All Black Men) by Bro. Larry X.

© Copyright 2004. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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