What Do You Do

by LaMesha L. Craft

What do you do, when you think
You’ve made a mistake
When you’ve mistaken true love
For fake

How do you apologize
For being too ignorant
To realize
That someone can truly
Adore you entirely
Your smile, your voice, 
Your mood swings and feistiness

What do you do when you’ve
Shooed them away
Told them you’d rather leave
Didn’t care enough to stay

When you realize that
“Love’s not Time’s fool”
How do you say I’m sorry
While trying to appear cool

How do you know when it’s safe to say
I Love You
And put away your shield

Why should you be afraid
To reveal
This true love
That you feel

Why do you fear 
What you knowingly yearn for
When did you of all people
Become afraid
Of Love

What Do You Do by LaMesha L. Craft

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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