Trapped In Love

by LaMesha L. Craft

I am still mesmerized by your voice
Soothed by your kiss
It still feels like heaven
When I'm in your presence

And although we've been apart
You are still
Deep within my heart
Our love is unexplainable,
An unimaginable art.

I am trapped in love 
Trapped in a daze
Remembering priceless moments
Feelings of compassion
Laughing with my best friend
Making up after silly arguments

I am trapped in love
Trapped all alone
Trapped in sadness,
Because it is you
That I want here beside me
To make me whole.

Trapped In Love by LaMesha L. Craft

© Copyright 1999. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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