No Apologies

by LaMesha L. Craft

Offer no apologies for being who
  you are.
Offer no apologies for wanting
  to stand alone, like a star.
Offer no apologies when your
  insecurities tie you down,
  or when your ambitions carry you far.
Offer no apologies when you’re too
  sensitive to find humor in the joke.
Offer no apologies when a moment of
  deep thought is mistaken for distraught.
Offer no apologies for being silent the
  first hour you awake.
Offer no apologies when moments of 
  weakness tear you apart.
Offer no apologies for not wearing
  on your sleeve, your heart.
Offer no apologies for being who 
  you are!

No Apologies by LaMesha L. Craft

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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