
by Lady Rel

Brown delectable drops of love,
Placed on a face sent from heaven above.
Lovely auras of the sweetest scents,
Embrace my soul with the slightest glimpse.
A woman with a slight touch of a ecstasy,
Stands in the doorways of my mind and beckons me.
Feeling the warmth of her love I coincide,
And into her world of fantasies I begin to slide.
The loves so good she gives to me, that this can't be reality.
But it is and I love the sensual seas that I float through,
On my journey atop these, great pools
Of light that put my soul at ease.
A warm embrace and a beautiful face,
I know now that my destiny is in place.
Not a dream created in my mind,
But a reality in this world I thought I'd never find.
An admirer is what I am, she doesn't even know my name.
But maybe if she did the dream wouldn't be the same.
Erotic nights, and loving days, love for life and silent praise.
I wish I could tell her but it wouldn't be the same.
she'd probably just think i was spitten game.

Crush by Lady Rel

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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