Purified Lies

by Kiss of Mahogany

Unstable thinking marked by things unmoving, unrested, unresisted. 
Educated in stupidity and intellect.	
All stroked by my unmentioned pride and diamond colored eyes.  
Shadowed by you.
0-5-4-3-2-1-0 is an indentation of my infatuation 
in a struggle that does not know me 
but mold me into seduction, 
sophisticated, sidity, scrapes of silence.
You see I am the cherry colored candy coated creams 
that you dare to dream was in your climatic atmosphere 
and instead of being here or there 
I choose to incline myself in infatuations 
that make my situation better.
Better yet I make it look sweet 
while I sleep with one eye open and one eye closed. 
I suppose because you wish you were me.
While I sit back and look at purple skies sitting on purified lies.

Purified Lies by Kiss of Mahogany

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