
by Kesh Bell

Pretty brown skin and kinky hair
Heart made of gold
But are her feeling really there
Been through the rain
Constant pain
They love to being her down
Throwing salt on her name
Living in a world 
Where it is popularity or fame
Which one should she chose?
It's a battle Man
Don't complain
Hold your head high
Never ask why
Reach for the sky
Live your life
Like you destine to die
This life is not for her
Because most Queens 
Don't know their worth
Some think weave and makeup 
Will make them come first
Brainwashed to the face that
They're Creator on this Earth
So to my Queens
I Will Say
Be Happy in skin
Never let them win
Go out and seek knowledge 
So you can multiply your dividend
Be who you where born to be 
As they say 
My Beautiful Black Queen
Do your thang!

Queen by Kesh Bell

© Copyright 2015. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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