Southern Fried Sexy

by Kennie

Southern Fried sexy
walked right into
my diner
wearing a collard green grin

I had to hold my biscuit together
at the mere thought of him
Ooooooo chile how I wanted to
suck on his neck bone
and nipple a little piece
of his gristle

My mouth watered
for a taste of his butter milk
corn bread. I caught him eyeing
my chicken breast

Slowly we spoon fed each
other pinto beans
he told me how he loved brown
rice. He stated white rice doesn’t 
have enough flavor.
He savored my peach cobbler
and damn near begged for seconds

I could tell he had a sweet tooth
with on big gulp he downed my
sweet tea and clean the plate dry

I said goodbye to Southern fried Sexy
please come back again
He oblige me and walked right out the door 
with a wide collard green eating grin 

Southern Fried Sexy by Kennie

© Copyright 2006. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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