Leaving Your Vicinity

by Katina McRae


One day near
Or far...U may be able to forgive me
For the abandonment of your touch
U may be able to forgive me
For the sudden up rise
Of uncertainty you stumble across in our last kiss
That caused a downpour of tears to spill alongside your
Frustrated cheeks
For I may never come across a kiss
That is as gentle as your Kiss
A hug that is as comforting as your hug
A smile that is as inviting as your smile 
But I must go
I must leave your vicinity

U require me be in a time and a place
That my biological thoughts
Haven’t quiet reached yet
Like music
I can’t be contained
      Only felt
             Only enjoyed
                         Only loved
I will not apologize for me being me
But I wll apologize for neglecting to see
That You were ready to
Run with the flow of us together forever 
The temporary up-tempo beat in your heart
And I need to stand still
And enjoy the break in the pit of my soul
I never anticipated my drive
To live out my dreams
Would bring u so much grief
I never expected you to miss me
Even on the days that I was still in your Vicinity
Please forgive me for the damage I cause
The hurt
   The pain
        The Scars
Like music
I can’t be contained
Only felt
      Only enjoyed
                    Only loved
Only free to be me

Leaving Your Vicinity by Katina McRae

© Copyright 2003. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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