I've, (Been, Through, Some, Stuff...)

by J.Renee

You Know,
“I’ve …. Been through some stuff, “
I’ve been loved and adored,
I was abandoned when he got bored,

I been through some stuff,
I’ve been praised and preserved,
Abandoned when my sharp tongue hit a nerve,

Been through some stuff,
Vacationed in the Keys,
Fanned with palm leaves,
Abandoned! Because I wouldn’t quit school and play wifey.

Through some stuff,
He was a God, protected his family and I alike,
Strong arms; and boyish smile. Sexed me crazy wild. 
Abandoned, because of circumstance and situation.

Some stuff, 
Here I am, every day I am told how great I am, 
By men and boys in big shoes. 
But no man or mouse, 
Will stand up to this God made “brick house,”
My thunder thighs, slanted eyes ,
As edible as your mommas sweet potato pie. 

I go to bed alone,
Every now and then I wake up to a ringing cell phone,
But knowing the voice on the other end,
Doesn’t give a damn about the me within,
And just wants to explore my walls,
Yea.. that’s why he calls. 
Waiting on that Man, 
The mirror image of me, 
Got me smiling at how happy we could be. 

I see you thinking.. this chick is crazy. 
But nah.. !

“I’ve…. Been through some stuff. “

I've, (Been, Through, Some, Stuff...) by J.Renee

© Copyright 2005. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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