Murder In A Word

by Joy Laffenwright

You jinxed my baby, and
made the blood
rush down,
with your powerful
words of hatred.
You hated me, and thus
you hated my baby.
For that, I hate you.
I hate you, and
all that you stand for.
You are the lowest,
dirty breed of dog.
You killed my baby,
with your powerful
words of hatred.
It is better that my
beautiful baby died,
because she was conceived
out of hatred and despise.
For that, I truly hate you.
My baby deserved a chance.
She should have lived,
you stinking dog you.
There is no love,
in my heart now.
For you have committed
unforgivable murder.
You hate me, and
my baby, and she died.
You murderer!
I do not love you.
I never did.
I have always
hated you, you
stinking dog you!
You, you, you
May you pay
a thousand times
for taking the breath
of my child away.
May God allow
you to also suffer.
May the Lord reverse
your hatred on you, and
may my baby rest in peace.
You jinxed my baby, and
made the blood rush down.

Murder In A Word by Joy Laffenwright

© Copyright 2016. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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