
by Joe Dill

Two months, Twenty-One years
Throughout two decades
I've shed many tears
Seen a lot of sights
Heard many things
But if you asked me
I could only give you my version
Of what life means
Three brothers and a sister
Parents still going strong
Six reasons why my life 
Still moves along
Living life good
Singing a happy song
Then I got four reasons why
I didn't want to pickup the phone
But that's part of life's living
Along with the taking 
You have to do some giving
At the end of my term
Life's lessons I will have learned
But until the day I die
I can't let life pass me by
When I do
My people please don't cry
Cause me and the Big man
Will be sittin side by side

Life by Joe Dill

© Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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