Three Friends

by JoeDill

The pain I feel is heart wrecking
The pain I feel is bitter to the end
I lost an auntie and two cousins
But most of all I lost three friends

The thought of you will never go away
And I'm still missing you until this day
Words can't explain what you meant to me
I wish to God you were still here, 
I would say I love you more than frequently

I look at your pictures everday
Then I fall to my knees to pray
Ask God to watch over the rest of my family
Because seeing someone else in a casket
  would be much to painful for me

I can't stop thinking about the deaths of you 
How it hurts to have a family gathering
And not to see you
Only if I could talk to you

Death is a part of life
Although it sends a family through much strife
It only rests our minds in the end
To know you're in Heaven and not on this earth
  in a world full of sin

Three Friends by JoeDill

© Copyright 2000. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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