This Thing Of Ours

by J.L. Murphy

Confusion is on the agenda of lust
And infatuation
To be carried out at the expense of any throbbing heart
Or aching soul
It’s too hard to ignore sometimes
This thing of ours
Its one layer beneath the moisture between my lips and yours
And right before that first bead of sweat leaks from its pore
It’s too hard to leave behind sometimes
This thing of ours
It wraps itself around the warmth that eludes your body and mine
And braces itself for the ride down the shiver of your spine
There is a peaceful transition
Between imagery and reality
And applause for the unspoken truth
This is what it feels like
To discover love in a heartbeat
Or share your world in a split second
It’s too hard to explain sometimes
This thing of ours
It comes with every inhale
And disappears with the deeper sighs
It rests in the day of imaginations 
But flourishes in the night of the surreal
It remains mute in the time of question
Yet speaks when nobody is listening
It’s discreet to those not looking
But blinding to the eyes in sight of love
And deafening to the ears listening in the silence

This Thing Of Ours by J.L. Murphy

© Copyright 2002. All rights reserved. No portion of this work may be duplicated or copied without the expressed written consent of the author.

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